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The three sections of the pip-boy menu (Stats, Items and Data if I remember correctly) can be opened and closed via the F1, F2 and F3 keys, respectively. These keys will open the appropriate menu if it is not open, regardless of whether or not the player is currently viewing their pip-boy, and will close the menu if it is currently being viewed.


The Scancodes for these keys are 59, 60 and 61, respectively.



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I'm trying to get a beam to work like the orbital strike you helped me with a few weeks back, but I can't seem to get it to show up. I've created a new weapon with the beam projectile (explosion as well). I've created a reference in an empty cell. But after stage one, the only thing that happens is the flippin gnome appearing and dissappearing. No beam...no explosion. I'm pretty sure it's the script that is the problem, but I've not the slightest idea what it could be. Any help is appreciated.


ScriptName ElDDeathRayScript01

int iStage
float fTimer
float angle
ref markerref

Begin GameMode

if fTimer > 0
	set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed
elseif iStage == 0
   set iStage to 1
	   set fTimer to 10
	   PlaceAtMe ElDOrbitalNukeLight01 5
	   PlaySound3D ElDOrbitalNukeSoundFX

elseif iStage == 1

	set iStage to 2
	set MarkerRef to placeatme GnomeGarden; ref for deathrayref
	set angle to markerref.getangle x + 60; so it shoots downish
	ElDDeathRayREF01.moveto markerref 128, 128, 2500
	ElDDeathRayREF01.setangle x, angle
elseif iStage == 2
	set iStage to 3
	ElDDeathRayREF01.fireweapon ElDDeathRayStrike
elseif iStage == 3



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@ Cerepol:


Do you mean like what you get from that perk and stuff, and what you need to get it?


If so then yes you can, you WILL need the GECK to do it, just go into 'Actors Data' and 'Perk', look for the mysterious stranger one a double click it, and all the info will be there.


Hope that helps.

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I can't see anything in that script that might cause it to halt after stage 1 finishes, but you could try putting in a small delay between your call to PlaceAtMe and MoveTo, as the marker reference might take at least a frame in order to be fully initialised.



The different types of "Entry Point" are all hard-coded and can't be changed, unfortunately. This also means that there aren't any controlling scripts or the like for you to look at, so if you want to know how they work then your best bet would be to check the GECK Wiki and just experiment with the entry point(s) that you're interested in.



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Thanks for the replies, I'm mainly interested in making a gun which has very limited ammo and only does one damage. But as a bonus will summon the Mysterious Stranger to do the killing for you. I wanted to check if there was a way to set it to always go off on a hit.


For clarification I would just set it up to use this Mysterious Stranger entry point




but as stated on the site he "may" appear >_>. I think the entry point is a boolean type value, 1 = true, 0 = false. But I'm gonna try setting the value on it higher and see what happens.

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The Mysterious Stranger entry point is hard-coded to run when the player is in VATS mode, as specified on the GECK Wiki. There are a few GameSettings that control the functionality of the Mysterious Stranger, all of which have the prefix of "fVATSStranger".


Basically, because the functionality of entry points like this one are hard-coded, if you want to do anything with the Mysterious Stranger then it won't have anything at all to do with the Mysterious Stranger entry point. You cannot alter this entry point in any way, nor can it be used to make the Mysterious Stranger appear out of VATS mode, so you'll have to use a script to do what you want to do.



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Basically this gun is supposed to be made for VATS use only. It's supposed to drag their HP down to 149 and automatically trigger The Stranger. Gonna have to check those options out.



Where did you find that list of game settings?


//Double Edit\\


I'll leave that tidbit of stupidity there and apologize for asking such a thing D:

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I can't see anything in that script that might cause it to halt after stage 1 finishes, but you could try putting in a small delay between your call to PlaceAtMe and MoveTo, as the marker reference might take at least a frame in order to be fully initialised.


Pardon my ignorance, but how would I go about making a delay? Would I use another timer somewhere between the two commands, or different stages?

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To implement a delay between two function calls in a Staged Timer, the function calls must be in separate stages, and you'll need to set your "fTimer" variable to a positive value in between the two functions. Perhaps you could try implemeting a delay of 0.1 or so between those two functions.



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