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Hmm, I think I see what you mean - you can add your AI package but you can't prevent the actor's original AI from taking over, right? If you want to completely replace the actor's AI packages, then you'll need to account for all possible situations and add appropriate AI packages in your token script, so that packages added via AddScriptPackage will override the actor's default packages.


I have checked out that page before, but it makes it sound like AddScriptPackage is meant to only be temporary, and will only add one at a time. You seem to think different (and not know of a better way :) ) so I will give it a try.

Thanks again.

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In the script for a weapon that switches from a grenade launcher to an assault rifle and back, how would I make it so that the player's currently equipped weapon is unequipped and removed from inventory? Right now when I press the button to switch weapons, the weapon I want to switch to is equipped, but the one I switched from is still in my inventory.
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Yeah, AddScriptPackage is usually a "one time only" kind of thing, used for packages that wouldn't normally belong to that actor. However, there is no way to change the combination of AI packages available to a specific type of actor, let alone a specific reference, so as far as I know you'd need to use AddScriptPackage if you want to completely change their AI packages via script.



That really depends on how you've got your script set up, but the easiest way to ensure that the correct copy is removed would probably be to use RemoveMe in a script attached to the weapon to be removed. Otherwise, you could try using RemoveItem, but it might not always remove the correct instance of the weapon if the player has multiple copies of it in their inventory.



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Is it possible to change an object's name using a script? Simply: Chair -> broken Chair


Is it not easier to have a chair, and a broken chair, and the script replace one with the other on damage or whatever? I have thought about what your saying though, replace 'raider' with 'dead raider' etc etc. Makes sense!



Aye, when it comes to static objects replacing is my alternate method. It would just save a lot of efforts if there is a way to script it instead. Furthermore I would like to have unknown NPCs to use a neutral description like "Old Man" or "Wounded Guy" and after a conversation the NPC's name is revealed.


Plus replacing objects in front of the player causes a visual glitch, as the new object fades in slowly.

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If the actors are unique, then it should be possible to change their names like that. There is even a non-FOSE function that can do this for actors - SetActorFullName. This exact thing is done when you first meet Harold.


In order to cause a reference to "snap in" instead of fading in, set the "FadeIn" parameter of Enable to 0:

Enable 0


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How do I make a new exterior cell? For a new landscape?


EDIT: Made the world space using 'World Spaces' from the drop down menu, and I saw it was blank, did a height map, but now Im getting water appearing through the landscape even though its well below the surface?



Depending on the water and land height settings it's possible that the new land is below the water surface. Choose a starting point and raise the terrain above the water.


Rename your starting cell and insert a COCMarkerHeading. To access your new cell ingame, go into the console and enter: coc [your new cell name].

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If the actors are unique, then it should be possible to change their names like that. There is even a non-FOSE function that can do this for actors - SetActorFullName. This exact thing is done when you first meet Harold.


In order to cause a reference to "snap in" instead of fading in, set the "FadeIn" parameter of Enable to 0:

Enable 0




Wow you're quick Cipscis! Gonna check it out. Thanks dude!

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@portbash:I haven't played very far through Fallout 3's Main Quest, so I don't know if there are any examples to look at. I'm not entirely sure that I understand what you mean when you say that you need to create "a cutscene with thirdperson cameras". Do you mean that the player should be in 3rd person or that the camera should move on its own?



You should be able to do this by altering their "SpeedMult" AV, although keep in mind that altering this AV requires one of a few specific events to take place before the actor's speed will be updated. As far as I know, these events include:

  • Toggling sneak mode
  • Drawing or holstering a weapon
  • Any change to one of the two mobility AVs - "LeftMobilityCondition" and "RightMobilityCondition"

For the RoboBrain, your best bet is probably to alter one of the mobility AVs.



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