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I'm using the GECK, in which I have changed RL-3 into a RoboBrain. He's really slow. Is there a simple way to speed the RoboBrain's movement up?


I've tried changing the Speed Multiplier, but it doesn't seem to do anything. I can't seem to do much with the animations, but might be missing something.





You should be able to do this by altering their "SpeedMult" AV, although keep in mind that altering this AV requires one of a few specific events to take place before the actor's speed will be updated. As far as I know, these events include:


* Toggling sneak mode

* Drawing or holstering a weapon

* Any change to one of the two mobility AVs - "LeftMobilityCondition" and "RightMobilityCondition"


For the RoboBrain, your best bet is probably to alter one of the mobility AVs.




How do I access or change "LeftMobilityCondition" or "RightMobilityCondition", exactly?


It's a robot, so its weapons are embedded, and not drawn or holstered, and I have no idea how to make it sneak. RL3 doesn't do this by default.


I'll keep messing around and see if I can get it to work. Thanks for the quick reply. :thumbsup:


in your script just do this


refID.modav LeftMobilityCondition -1

refID.modav LeftMobilityCondition 1


this should hit the condition for 1% then heal it immediately after. It *should* get the desired effect of an updated SpeedMult, I've been trying to do this myself for enemies and if what was said is true then it should work I'll edit this post once I've tested.

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Just use the Landscape Editor ;) . It's the button on the top toolbar of the GECK with the trees on it. Click and drag up/down on any part of the landscape to move it up/down. Hold the right mouse button to paint textures.

Depending on where you're planning on making your pond, you might have to dig really deep to find water.

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