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every time i try to run a content mod like big town paradise or the carreabean sea thing i hear the title screen music when i load the game and i cant quick save/auto save/enter buildings.....


and this seems to happen on random locations to every character but usually places i need to go to like places with quests and people and what not

Sounds to me like you are running with a computer that can't take the strain of big mods or lots of action.


Try lowering your game settings or upgrading your comp. If that doesn't work then I'm afraid I can't help you. try googling the problem?


Hope I helped.


well anyways nice try and all but no i found the problem to the crashes


it apears a mod i had called "bed time stories" was conflicting with content based mods causing the game to crash for some reason....

or the mod itself was glitchy never the less when i unchked it in fomm the clean save file i made worked flawlessly with all my other mods invlding the

"high sea carevensery" mod thing

so people with random crashes after mods one way to fix stuff is look if 2 or more mods are conflicting !?!?!!?!?!

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I'm currently working on a script that checks the currenTime and reacts on in...

The problem is, that I don't know how to set a doOnce without stoping the other events from happening. Here is what I mean:




Not entirely sure what you're trying to do here.


This one would loop around doing each only once until the previous one was completed.

short doOnce

if GetCurrentTime >= 4 && doOnce == 0
set doOnce to 1

elseif GetCurrentTime >= 8 && doOnce == 1
set doOnce to 2

elseif GetCurrentTime >= 16 && doOnce == 2
set doOnce to 3

elseif GetCurrentTime >= 22 && doOnce == 3
set doOnce to 0



Also by having elseif statements instead of ending each if only one will be active at a time. The final else would ensure that if none of the above are true then that is what would happen. If you didn't simply want them in order then remove the doOnce's altogether, as the use of elseif's works much more effectively.


Alright I'm back with another question.


Is it possible to stop an NPC from running? Anyway possible at all I want to force this NPC to always WALK, no matter what.

Yes. It will take a little work though. And I'm only guessing. Open up the NPC and go to their AI Packages. You will have to edit each one of these and make sure the "Always Run" box is not ticked under the 'Flag' tab. I assume that will work.

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Wouldn't that just stop them from running all the time rather then disabling running altogether?

Yeah I think it would. I'm not sure really. I guess if you were desperate you could create an item that weighs a hell of a lot and then putting on the character you don't want to run and then they will over-encumbered. Voila no more running. :P Other than that I don't know.


Hi, I would like to make so that when a person presses a switch, they are transported into a new area (i.e. an elevator) - how do I go about doing this? I would like to use the switch that opens up the vault doors if that helps.

I'm thinking maybe create a script that has a Begin OnActivate block with coc 'destination' in it. eg:

BEGIN OnActivate
coc tele1

So what that would do is, when the player activates that switch they will be teleported to wherever your tele1 block is on the cocmarkerheading. To find out more about what coc and a cocmarkerheading is check out the GECK tutorial for building locations.

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I'm currently working on a script that checks the currenTime and reacts on in...

The problem is, that I don't know how to set a doOnce without stoping the other events from happening. Here is what I mean:




Not entirely sure what you're trying to do here.


This one would loop around doing each only once until the previous one was completed.


Also by having elseif statements instead of ending each if only one will be active at a time. The final else would ensure that if none of the above are true then that is what would happen. If you didn't simply want them in order then remove the doOnce's altogether, as the use of elseif's works much more effectively.



It still needs little bit tweaking but I got the base of the script set. thx dude!



some new questions:



How to make an auto displayed message use an icon from pulldown menu inside the message editor, like the vaultboyinpain. Choosing one from the pulldown seems to have no inpact ingame as I always have the default smiling vaultboy icon...


How to make the player actor do an animation, like aoBeer01?


How to force thirdpersoncamera? only know how to check it...


How to auto-start VATS, after setting a target, without having the player push the VATS key?


How to make placeable water actually reflect & refract stuff? (objects are all linked to water, still no impact ingame)


thx, thx, thx & thx

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Thanks for you help, but I was looking for a way where I didn't have to use scripts - I'm not very familiar with them or the GECK in general.


Almost everything is done via scripting and in the end it's not that difficult + you'll see it makes a lot of fun too... you just have to make a start.


I can recomment the official My First Vault Tutorial Series to get familiar with the GECK.

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