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Sorry, that would be GECKCustom.ini. You should be looking for it in the same location as your Saves folder. The *.ini files that you can find in your Fallout 3 folder are templates that are used to regenerate your *.ini files should they be deleted, and these shouldn't be changed.


Where your Saves folder can be found depends on your operating system, but for me (using Vista) this is the path:

C:\Users\Mark\Documents\My Games\Fallout3


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Sorry, that would be GECKCustom.ini. You should be looking for it in the same location as your Saves folder. The *.ini files that you can find in your Fallout 3 folder are templates that are used to regenerate your *.ini files should they be deleted, and these shouldn't be changed.


Where your Saves folder can be found depends on your operating system, but for me (using Vista) this is the path:

C:\Users\Mark\Documents\My Games\Fallout3



Much Thanks! Only problem now is they don't work in game, but load when I edit. Anything I forgot to do?


Again thanks :)

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How would I make a small variable in a script that checks whether or not a certain amount of time has passed? I want ammo to spawn at a few locations when the player enters a trigger, but only after at least 12 hours have passed.


Also, I made a GetRandomPercent check, and I want to have three different things to happen, depending on what the percent is. The middle one is being tricky, as I need it to be equal to or greater than 50, but lower than 80. The problem is, if I have:


"elseif ammospawn => 50 && < 80"


I get a syntax error. What could fix this?

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not sure if this fixes it, but shouldn't it be:


"elseif ammospawn >= 50 && < 80"


instead of:


"elseif ammospawn => 50 && < 80"



for time passed, you could try using GameHour


short* GameHour The current hour (0-23 hours)

*While GameHour is listed as a short, it returns a float value. (2:30 am would be 2.5)

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How would you increase the players HP, and also cleanse all radiation? Would they be player.modav functions?


not sure bout increasing HP since that gets calculated by endurance and level


to get rid of rads: player.modav radiationrads -1000 (you can't get neg. rads, so no matter how many rads you have, this always results in you ending up with 0)


but from the modav explanation it looks like you could increase HP with modav

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@blast0r:I can't really say what the problem is without more information. Depending on the problem, it'd probably be easier to try to fix this in a new thread. I assume that you've been able to use the hair packs in the past? Is there anything that you've changed in your load order or the files themselves since you were last able to use them? I assume that when you say "they don't work in game" that you mean it's as if they weren't loaded?


@EMHIf you're making temporary changes to AVs, such as restoring health, then you'll want to use RestoreActorValue and/or DamageActorValue. If you want to make permanent changes to heath, then I think ModActorValue would be the appropriate one to use


@Five_X:Your syntax error arises for two reasons. The first reason is, as spammster has stated, the correct "greater than or equal to" operator is ">=". The second is reason is that"< 80" on its own is not a valid expression. The "&&" operator (a logical AND) returns a boolean value that represents whether or not both of its parameters are true (i.e. non-zero). In this case, the two parameters are:

ammospawn >= 50

< 80

The compiler is unable to evaluate "< 80" so your script won't compile. You'll want to change your condition to this instead:

elseif ammospawn >= 50 && ammospawn < 80

Another thing to take into account is that, depending on how they're set up, you can probably make your conditions more efficient by taking advantage of the fact that "elseif" and "else" conditions imply that all previously checked conditions are false. For example, the second example out of the following two is slightly more efficient:

if ammospawn < 50
elseif ammospawn >= 50 && ammospawn < 80
elseif ammospawn >= 80

if ammospawn < 50
elseif ammospawn < 80

As to your question about checking the passing of game time, spammster is correct that GameHour would be the most appropriate thing for you to use. If you were testing longer periods of time, in the order of days or longer, then GameDaysPassed could also come in useful.



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I hope this is a quick answer question...


I am making a mod that deletes a few trees but the LOD meshes are still there in game. I did some searching and found this thread which covers what I *think* will fix my problem. So what I need to know is wether or not this is the way to get rid of these LOD trees or is there another way?


(If this is too big a question for this thread feel free to move it.)

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I hope this is a quick answer question...


I am making a mod that deletes a few trees but the LOD meshes are still there in game. I did some searching and found this thread which covers what I *think* will fix my problem. So what I need to know is wether or not this is the way to get rid of these LOD trees or is there another way?


(If this is too big a question for this thread feel free to move it.)


why do i have the feeling, you're not gonna like this :D


only thing i could think of would be:


go to World -> World LOD , select the region (prolly Wasteland ?) and click on Generate Trees


what you should have in mind though: World LOD is prolly next to Heightmap the most bugged tool ever, so def. save before you do anything, and depending on the size of the world, this is gonna take its sweet time.


so start it when you don't care how long it takes (overnight etc.), next morning you should see a messagebox titled: Awesome with a button "Done"

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