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If I remember correctly, the grass is randomly generated each time the cell is loaded, so I don't think it's possible to preview in the GECK. Of course, I don't do much (any) exterior cell editing so I could be completely wrong.



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If I remember correctly, the grass is randomly generated each time the cell is loaded, so I don't think it's possible to preview in the GECK. Of course, I don't do much (any) exterior cell editing so I could be completely wrong.



That would make sense, otherwise I guess the grass would be a grid.

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I am trying to create perk with effect that would be triggered only when player sleeps for 24 hours .

My question- is it possible to add condition "if rest for 24 hours"?

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You'll probably want to run a quest script in a MenuMode 1012 (sleep/wait) block that checks how long the player has decided to sleep for, and use AddPerk if they sleep for long enough. Instead of using GetPCSleepHours to check how long the player has been sleeping for, you'll probably want to use IsPCSleeping, and check how much time passes between when they enter the menu and when they leave it. Using only GetPCSleepHours would allow the player to cancel sleeping and still receive the perk.



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I was very surprised today when I entered Dukov's Place and fell right through the floor. The ground meshes are gone. :mellow:

I've checked a few other buildings in DC like the Museum of Technology and it lacks them, too.

Does anyone know what could cause that?

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In first esp i have added perk that uses condition "getitemcount" from second esp, but when i activate both esps in fomm

perk can't recognise item from second mod.


Question- Do i need to convert one of them into esm and how do i convert esp to esm?

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I was very surprised today when I entered Dukov's Place and fell right through the floor. The ground meshes are gone. :mellow:

I've checked a few other buildings in DC like the Museum of Technology and it lacks them, too.

Does anyone know what could cause that?


Well my first idea would be that you missing a mesh nif file somewhere in your data files. I suggest you go through this file path, find and delete any nif file with a 0kb size:


C:\\Program Files\Bethesdasoft\Fallout 3\data\meshes\architecture


Also, check if you are running any mods that affect interiors, if so uncheck them and don't use them, see if that makes a difference.


Get back to me if those don't work out for you.

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