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Mark clothing item as clothing, not nude?


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I LOVE the mod "K Girl Shoes CBBE - Slot 57" but it is not considered "clothing" in the game and on my character everything else I am wearing is considered not clothing as well (a bunch of Dicky's Pin Up stuff) as I wear it all under invisible armor, so technically EVERYTHING I wear is considered "not clothing" for the purposes of the game.


What I was hoping is that there was a keyword I can add to the shoes in the CK that mark the items as "Clothing" so I don't get the "HEY, your naked" comments from everybody, but that DOES NOT change the slot.


I am always hesitant to modify custom clothing items in the CK for fear of ruining the mod somehow, and I have been told changing the slot to another (such as an armor slot for instance) will do this, but I was just hoping there was an existing keyword or script that could be applied to the item that does the same thing.



Thanks in advance for any help.

Edited by ferogain
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