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  1. If you read on page 1, that is exactly what I had wanted / intended, but didnt happen. During the past ~2 years (since I created the modules), I had 2 people approach me. 1 was doing another CBBE alternative (added, page 1) The 2nd were 2, who had a similar thought like you. Basicly they said screw what you've done for the past 2 years, and re-arange modules - a theme based appraoch - and do "modules as load order", with every patch and fix as yet another collection (well, one for patches, another for fixes) Do you think that sounds more end-user friendly for people who just want to play? They also had some very valid points, which I agreed on. The effect of that you see with the current updates of the modules.
  2. The SetGS ones didnt work for me, so i went the "player.modav" route... https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/60 bat * c-jump-high-more -- Increase Multiplier 1 (repeatable)c-jump-high-less -- Decrease Multiplier 1 (repeatable)c-jump-speed-more-- Increase Multiplier 1 (repeatable)c-jump-speed-less-- Decrease Multiplier 1 (repeatable)c-o2-more -- Increase Multiplier 2 (repeatable)c-o2-less -- Decrease Multiplier 2 (repeatable)
  3. You'll have to wait until CK2 is released (next year), we cant do/mod anything of that sort at the moment.
  4. While I feel the opposit of what you describe... I've prepared my "script mod".. yeah i know... to handle any such situations! https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/60 For you, it would be (ingame console): bat c-jump-high-less My personal favorite is :D bat c-jump-fast-more
  5. Thanks mate :D Though, personaly I'm not sure its the right one, as i hear that (471598494) on my first playthrough as well. (aka: not NG+)
  6. NAC is on the "more demaning" side of weather mods, regarding GPU. If its on the "to be avoided list", idk. I like the weather it provides, and how it looks with Reactor ENB. I've got another Mouldle 00 collection as well, without NAC, using TrueStorm for weather. Though, thats on my todo list for after dinner - i'm gonna check Poseidon ENB vs. Dawn. I really have a look of doctor-appointments -due to health issues - these days, so idk how fast i can do this.. And yes, its been a while since I had updated that one, because RL and other priorities.
  7. I've just uploaded a new version of "Module 5 - HUD" which now also supports Widescreen.
  8. Just go to page 1 of this thread :wink: Or read the bottom paragraph of any Module on the collection site, all linked to the first page of this thread ;)
  9. The only thing that would need 'specific' ultra wide support would be the HUD module. But even that "works" just fine on ultra wide (just got one myself a few weeks back). Effect without "actual ultra wide support" is - to me - miniscule, aka background of some buttons and the main menu (which basicly are buttons) is a bit offset - but the actual ingame HUD works fine. Other than that, I have not noticed anything that would need fixing. Again its so miniscule, that unlike for Skyrim where menu is cut off = therefor literaly unusuable without ultrawide support, FO4 - "just works" . (my ultra wide is 3440x1440) Hope this helps
  10. Did a split up of Module 00 - > moved several mods to Module 01 - Tools - > extracted the HUD to its own Module 05 - https://next.nexusmods.com/fallout4/collections/3iovsc
  11. Generaly speaking, yes you can explore multiple collections (these modules) without the need to purge pre-downloaded mods. However, it is most save if you create multiple profiles for new tryouts, and make sure to have other mods disabled on those new profiles before adding new mods/collections. With all general statements, there are exceptions, which are: You cannot mix (try out) multiple Module 0 // ENBs without purging all related config files.(ENB, depends on collection - might not be requried for all)You cannot use more than 1 body mod (player char, collection wise) or companion replacer (mod wise) at the same time Also, if you talk about exploring collections in general, aka not "limited" to the modules listed on the first page of this thread, it is even more pressing to create a new profile for every collection, and pay very good attention to their regarding "About" description. Modules are designed to be used together, to build upon each other - while they also state which are incompatible (see exceptions above). Each module has its "incompatibilties", "requirements" and "recomendations" listed at the bottom of their according "about" description. Hope this helps
  12. Oh geesh... yeah they look very odd. (too bright, specialy the GoodNeigbhor one) "This" sure is not how it should look! And you say you have that with "my settings" that are provided via the collection? Of which you then need to disable bloom and lens flare effects? Because, it took me several days until I was satisfied with "how its supposed to look". Did I understand you there correctly? For a try, could you please create a new empty profile and just enable/install both of the NAC X modules? Including the (optional) "settings" 'mod'. Because, it could be - sadly Vortex is known for this (devs are aware of this) - that upon the very first download/install process, that some files do not get copied/installed properly, this should be fixed for any further procedure ('installing'/enabling in another profile). If there is more need for discussion (aka same behaviour in a new profile), can we please continue this topic in the according Collection thread: https://next.nexusmods.com/fallout4/collections/4wqyy5
  13. No, the NAC X mod does handle weather and night by itself and declares itself incompatible with any other such mod (weather/night) which includes TrueStorms and DarkerNights. But since the "NAC X weather" mods are not required as such, I made it its own collection.
  14. It basicly would work like a conflict patch - as you "overwrite" the "conflicting" part - in this case, the value of happines. Meaning, your "patch" would only require to have the SnapBeds as master, and the new happines value.
  15. If you plan to "add textures", I would recomed to do so with your own SomeName.ba2 archive, or as loose files. Just saying because if you should ever have to (for whatever reason) "verify game files" via steam, those custom textures would be gone. (as the original file was changed) Rule of thumb, if its just 1 or 2 textures, it might be suitable (less hazzle) to add them as loose files, whereas with with many textures it would be a performance saver if you would pack them as ba2. This applies to both, new textures and texture replacer situations.
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