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ENB Crash To Desktop


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Hey guys!

First off, I'm really not the type of guy to ask for help in forums as soon as something doesn't work but this has been bugging me ever since I got Skyrim and trust me, I've checked every single site and couldn't find anything, or maybe I just didn't look for the right thing.

Anyway, so I have a pretty capable PC with a Geforce GTX 780 graphics card and 16 GB RAM but whenever I install a rather demanding ENB my game crashes after playing for like 10 to 15 minutes.
I've un- and reinstalled my game about five times already and even if I don't have any single mod installed, the ENB would still crash it. Playing the vanilla game or even a modded game with 100 mods works just fine but whenever I add an ENB it won't work anymore.


I already tried around ten different ENBs as well; the ones that only tweak saturation or sharpness seem to work fine as I can play with those for several hours without any CTDs. The Towns and Villages Enhanced Real ENB (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27401/?) for example, I didn't have a single problem with that one and used it for quite a long time.

However, when I install more elaborate ones like the new Saaran Suum ENB (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/43765/?) which I am currently trying, said issue occurs. The game crashes without a warning after around ten or sometimes even twenty minutes. It doesn't matter if I'm at a busy place like a dungeon full of enemies or just in a village with like 2 NPCs, it crashes in the most random places, no matter how busy the place is.


So yeah, I'm pretty much lost and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong and why that keeps happening. I would be very grateful for every tip or solution you guys could give me since I don't know anything about modding at all and I'm not really good with computers either.

Thanks a lot in advance! :)

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I'm also having the CTD with an ENB problem. I definitely have a very capable system:


3 x EVGE Geforce GTX 670 FTW (SLI) 4gb ea.

32gb ddr3 vengeance

i5-3570 3.4

Seagate STCL2000400 sata6 HD


I can run most if not all games (vsync turned off) at around 200fps, but as soon as I install the ENB with ANY presets to Skyrim I get a CTD within 15 minutes of play.


At first I thought because I couldn't run my video controller overlay with the ENB that I was over heating. So I preset my cooling system to higher than normal (trust me I have plenty of cooling) and it seems that's not the issue.


I hear of a lot of people running the ENB with a typical to high end preset without any problems. But no one is saying how they got their systems to run it without the CTD.


Anyone got any answers?????

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