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TSC Addional Content (Hopefully small tweaks) Request


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I notice that when you come across a captured wastelander you can kill them or set them free for good karma.

It bugs me though that here I am the Supreme Commander of the Best Faction Earth has ever seen and I can't offer these people a TSC Citizenship or send them to a refugee camp or posidonous or something. I'd like to be able to do that.


Also I'd like the ability to call more people to the office instead of tracking them down, Tanika, Archangel etc.


Lastly I'd like the ability to make some decisions that happen outside of the DC World (off map stuff) like signing a treaty for some region of the wasteland that we'll never get to see. Or take military action somewhere strickly paper work stuff that can be done from the terminal to give one the sense of commanding things. Also sign deals that bring the TSC (and you as the commander) some extra funds. Think Civilization where you do some politcal things to make some money wihout physically doing it yourself but still staying true to the mod which is perfect.


I truly thank you for taking the itme to read these thoughts over.

Edited by Skyviper086
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