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Most Common Body Replacer


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I lost my hard drive a while back with it my Oblivion game and mods. I been playing F3 and it rekindled my want of playing O:TES.


But I've been out of the game for awhile now, what is the most common body replacer? Who are all the modders now using for their armor.


I've seen a lot of HGEC in titles, but that's new to me, exnem? BABE?


Lots of cool looking armor out there, just don't know which body replacer to pick to capitalize on as many as I can.

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Roberts is basically the ONLY male replacer. Robert also has a female body, but it's popularity pales in comaprison to that of Exnem and HGEC. HGEC, however, I think is more popular simply because it leaves you with the choice of breast size and hip width, and people are all about choice
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