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Helping Mazoga?


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Mazoga is now a Knight; I like her and want to help her stay alive. Is there any way to provide her with equipment other than using the bound item glitch to reverse pickpocket weightless stuff to her? Will she pick up a good weapon or armor if hers wears out (which I guess it will since NPCs don't repair equipment)? Will she wear a helmet or enchanted hood? Also, does she go hunting for the B.B. Bandits even when you are not there, or only when you visit the W.S.. Lodge?

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Mazoga's gear is leveled, so even if you do give her new gear it may get replaced whenever you level up. From my experience with her she'll just enter the appropriate cave and stand near the door until you enter the cave yourself, unless you happen to arrive when her AI packages have her eating or sleeping back at the lodge.


If you're worried about keeping her alive use the console to make her essential. Open the console and type 'setessential 85969 1' without the quote marks and hit Enter.

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Active Inventory Spell http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/17497 will allow you to open Mazoga's (or any other NPC's) inventory and swap out her gear.

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