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Help with script that adds weapons


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Hey folks, ive got a quest script that is adding my weapons to vendors and leveled lists

but there seems to be a redundancy or loop or something. basically to my knowledge the script is

supposed to add 10 count of a few different weapons to 3 vendors 1 time only. but ive noticed in

my game that moira now has 300 of them. and another fellow using my mod mentioned that

moira now has about 1300 in his game. so im not suree whats happening. im pretty weak with the whole

script thing as some of you may already know.


heres the scripts as it stands now.


Scn NeunenCleanAxeQuestAddItemScr

Begin gamemode
VendorContainerMoiraBrownREF.additem WeapFireAxe 10
VendorContainerFlakAndShrapnelRef.additem WeapFireAxe 10
VendorContainerBannonRef.additem WeapFireAxe 10
VendorContainerMoiraBrownREF.additem WeapHatchet 10
VendorContainerFlakAndShrapnelRef.additem WeapHatchet 10
VendorContainerBannonRef.additem WeapHatchet 10
AddItemToLeveledList RaiderWeaponMelee CondAxeRaider 3 1 1
AddItemToLeveledList RaiderWeaponMelee CondHatchetRaider 1 1 1
AddItemToLeveledList NPCSettlerMelee WeapHatchet 1 1 .50
stopquest NeunenCleanAxeQuest


any help would be greatly appreciated as usual


edit: oh i just had a notion. would it be that a script that starts in gamemode would trigger every time the game is started if it doesnt have some DO Once statement in it?

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Scn NeunenCleanAxeQuestAddItemScr

short doonce

Begin gamemode
 if (doonce == 0)
VendorContainerMoiraBrownREF.additem WeapFireAxe 10
VendorContainerFlakAndShrapnelRef.additem WeapFireAxe 10
VendorContainerBannonRef.additem WeapFireAxe 10
VendorContainerMoiraBrownREF.additem WeapHatchet 10
VendorContainerFlakAndShrapnelRef.additem WeapHatchet 10
VendorContainerBannonRef.additem WeapHatchet 10
AddItemToLeveledList RaiderWeaponMelee CondAxeRaider 3 1 1
AddItemToLeveledList RaiderWeaponMelee CondHatchetRaider 1 1 1
AddItemToLeveledList NPCSettlerMelee WeapHatchet 1 1 .50
set doonce to 1
stopquest NeunenCleanAxeQuest


stopquest doesn't seem to stop the quest immediately in my experience. A doonce block should solve this.

Still, 300 and 1300 is quite a lot. Have you been turning the mod on and off?. That, or you're stopping the wrong quest or another script is restarting the quest. If with the doonce thingy you stil find many many axes, then it's surely another quest restarting this one over and over and over.

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