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Tyreal Armor/Weapon


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Hi there.. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in creating Tyreal's (from Diablo 1,2, & 3) Hooded, Golden Armor with those beautiful glowing blue wings? Even his sword is pretty epc looking.. While i may no longer be a fan of the path Blizzard as a companby, has chosen, i do LOVE their artwork! Ive always been a blizzard fan, and would very much enjoy seeing some of the more exotic weapons and armors from the Diablo franchise, implemented into Skyrim.. If usage is some copyright infringement, maybe some minor changes to said peices, and calling them Tyreal(ish), Diablo-ish, etc.?


If anyone is up to this task, i know myself, and many, many other fans _of both skyrim, and the artwork of Blizzard (because their treatment of fans isnt deserving)_would be infinitely greatful!


Thank you in advance, either way,


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