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Creation Kit and precision

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Adding more digits to the precision under Render Window Properties -> Movement -> Snap to Angle, didn't work for me. Maybe there is some kind of way to manipulate that through an ini setting. However, I can't really think of any useful use case. So the questions is why you would want to do that in the first place?


What you can do alternatively, if you want that much precision, is to adjust the rotation manually for a given object in its reference window under 3D Data. And then there is also the possibilty to use a local grid by hitting SHIFT + Q and then select the reference that you want to base your local grid on. All you need to do afterwards, if you want to use that local grid that you've selected, is to toggle on the local grid(the button is right next to snap to connect points) and use that in combation with snap to angle and snap to grid.


The normal work flow would then look like this: Select an object as base for your local grid -> turn on the local grid/snap to angle/snap to grid -> place new objects into the render window and easily move them in place / reset the rotation of existing objects(CRTL + K)and then move them in place on your local grid.

Edited by 84Cronos
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Being one that needs snapping A LOT since i build many structures and mashups in my mods i would love a better snapping tool...

A small trick for easier and more reliable snapping for me is to place the first object and edit all vectors after the decimal to 0 and always try to place my starting point aligned to the grid .

Edited by greekrage
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Note sure if the Creation Kit uses the extra precision or not but I was able to add the number in the CreationKitCustom.ini. Example follows


fSnap Angle=125.7295
Was trying to measure the distance between some items in the the game and was trying to avoid unnecessary geometry and trigonometry.
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