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Discussion - Alternative Texture Resurrection of Depreciated Rextexture Mods


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I've been thinking, looking through some mods on here that serve decorative purposes. Yet haven't been touched for years and have long since been out of date.


With the advent of the mod that is Alternative Textures, I feel like a lot of these older mostly cosmetic mods could be saved for modern use. By converting them for use in Alternative Textures. Kind of like what PPJA did for a few depreciated mods, but for Alternative Textures instead


For example I see things like Farmhouses and Stable Appearance and think it could easily be repackaged for use to repaint the Farmhouse or Greenhouse with Alternative Textures. If some older mods have the permission to do so, or with the okay of their creators. Of Course.


I guess I'm mainly making this topic to get the idea public, as well as get the ball rolling with ideas. Mod Authors giving the okay. Etc, because it's an idea I'd love to help work on if it's possible. Especially since Alternative Textures has helped give me a new lease on life with my own retexture packs. I can imagine older mod authors who haven't been able or don't have the time to update those old mods might appreciate.

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