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Custom NPC refuses Conversation


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So today I decided to try and make another companion just for kicks, full companion wheel and everything. I followed a tutorial I'd used a month ago for a different companion which had great success. Anyway, I work for about two hours on this new one, everything goes smoothly, scripts are compiling and dialogue is written. One problem though...


The NPC I created straight up refuses to talk to me.


All he says is his greeting which I gave to him. After that, my only option is to say goodbye, rather than asking him to follow me.


I really just want to know why he's not accessing the rest of his topics in the quest.


Quick rundown

  • His dialogue options are indeed in a quest, and are lined up in the topics section. I do of course have the default GREETING included in these.
  • All of these dialogue options have the condition GetIsID and are correctly labeled.
  • The necessary dialogue options such as FollowersHired, FollowersFired, FollowersLetsGo, (etc.) have been marked as top level, so there shouldn't be a problem with them not appearing.
  • The quest is at a priority level of 50 and is set to Start Game Enabled.
  • I have successfully created NPCs and creatures that had dialogue in the past.
  • Each of his dialogue responses are unique.
  • The NPC is located at GoodspringsSource (included just in case)
  • I have removed all of his previous coding and base attributes. This includes stripping him of the actor base.
  • In case the ID has something to do with it, it is aLegionCompanion

Hopefully anyone who read that is willing to help. I greatly appreciate any and all help with this subject. Thanks! :laugh:

Edited by fancygraystuff
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Is the allow PC dialog set on the traits page?


Check what choices you give on the topic screen (on the right, 2nd box).


There's no actual check PC dialogue option for NPCs, and all choice options are set correctly.


ah, you're right. I've been making creatures for a while which do have that check box.


If you're absolutely certain that every setting is correct then the only other things which could be screwing things up for you would seem to be your scripting or more likely your dialogue rules and menu options. (conditions and choices on the topics tab).


You said you'd gotten them working in the past. How about you open two NPC dialogues at the same time and compare side by side. That old Sesame game 'one of these things is not like the other' might sound silly but it is still a very effective troubleshooting method. Also viewing both at once reduces the probability of you seeing what you expect to see rather then what is actually there.


Another option which I just did myself to solve a confounding issue was to table the problem one and make a nearly identical one. Not absolutely identical so you can use both at some point.

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