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Racemenu: How to remove/delete a defined body paint?


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Hi, like the title says, I want to remove a defined body paint entry on a Racemenu preset.


It's probably a facepalm-level mistake on my part, but I can't figure it out.


Help dim-witted player out of the cobwebs?

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thanks. But that appears to leave the added layer intact, doesn't it? I'm really hoping to remove the entry altogether, not just render it effectively invisible.


For instance, I have over a dozen "default" entries in body paints. They all do nothing, but they're still present. And if I add another, it'll be there too, even if it's not doing anything.

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The "dozen" default slots are just places where you can place another body paint.

For example; my PC has for now 3 body paints.

One slot is freckles, the second slot is some green tattoos from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37251, and the third slot are the same tattoos but became red in fighting modus from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37275.

So default in this case only means there is nothing, but there is a place available.

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