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Making Fallout 3 a decent FPS


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Really? The fact that the game is played primarily from a first person perspective, and you shoot things, with guns, and actually have to aim at the a aforementioned things to hit them, really threw me off.


I'll post some of what I had in mind later on.

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Wait, mainly from first person view? Since when? I haven't even touched that feature, once. 3rd person>1st person, always. Besides, there are a few mods that deal with the horrible autoaim, one in particular that does excellent job at it and beats the rest by far. The mod completely removed any reason for VATS for me personally and now I can enjoy my 3rd person fps/rpg merge.


Auto Aim Fix - Headshot Deluxe Edition

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Fallout 3 is not a FPS.


Depends on how you play it. Since I was used to FPS I barely used VATS at all early on, and even now I only use it on occasion. My brother, on the other hand, is more of an RPG nerd and refused to use anything but VATS in fights.


Same goes for Third Person Perspective vs First Person Perspective. I'm very uncomfortable firing guns in third person, but it's great for melee weapons.


Anyway, speaking personally here, I thought Fallout 3 was fairly close to the way I wish all FPS's should be. I absolutely love being able to lift and move stuff, for example. Milage may vary.


and actually have to aim at the a aforementioned things to hit them,


I take it you don't use VATS a lot either, then?

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I'm not saying that it doesn't have FPS elements, of course, but the game itself it's not a FPS. Even Beth here said that as a shooter, the game was mediocre. I know people play it as FPS, proof be that half of the mod requests are for guns and more FPS salsa (and that's ok I supose), but Fallout 3 is, for all purposes, an action RPG.
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Yep, Neckros is right. It falls fairly short as an FPS, on the upside, you get a game that you take more than 3 hours to complete, and more than 8 to get tired of.

We're all aware that the strong points of this game don't lie on the shooting gameplay, while this can be enhanced, it will not be and you should not expect the same gameplay you'll find in common FPS. However, combat can be enhanced in several ways. FWE makes it much much more deadly/realistic, and the auto aim fix mentioned above fixes most aimbot issues (that you will see in every goddamned console-ported game with shooter mechanics).

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