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Follower request


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Hoping someone can help an old gamer out please.

I'm looking for a follower based on my wife's character, but I can't figure out the CK no matter how hard I try.


She is a wood elf, dual sword combat style with 100% weight, Auburn hair in the same style as Gerdur and Balgruf with a slight tan and using the voice of Rikke. We had to bring the elven chin back to almost 0 and widen it almost the whole way as well as widening the jaw to 75% and having the amber eyes I think.


Would like her to be essential (she is my wife) and marriageable for me (again, she is my wife).



Thank you for your time,


Bone Orchard

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This is what you can do: While in-game, open up the console and type "SPF name (name of character) " . That will save it as a NPC file. Then just import it as a NPC face data in the CK. Other than that, I can't help.

Edited by jdude97
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