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Smarter display cases


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Now I might be totally off in my line of thinking, knowing very little of how modding works (I've read tons and forgotten it all) but I assume the bookshelves and weapon racks are somehow scripted and I believe I've seen mods for placement of weapons on a character dependent on what they are wearing. So I was wondering, would it not be possible to make the display cases smarter? Enable them work like weapon racks in the sense that objects get places in a specific way and get locked in that position?

I'm sure I'd not be the only one to appreciate being able to have things not fall through the case or have to place things in it manually.

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I have downloaded the Build Your Own House. If you build a house, there must be a display case in your house. You can display them like in the weapon rack (Only for weapon). But I don't know if there is a mod like that. If

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Well, I was meaning for more then weapons but this is something. I wonder why I didn't find it when searching 'display case'. Hmm. Is there a mod like the decorator assistant for Oblivion. Move things in their XYZ axis and then lock them into place? That would solve the issue as well.

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