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There's a number of great mods out there for the G36c, all of which I think look great. However, I'm both surprised and somewhat irritated that I can't find models of this gun without any halo-sights/scopes added to the top rail. I had always thought, since I first played this game, that a G36c with nothing on the top rail would fit really well in the game (except maybe ironsights but, it doesn't really matter since, as far as fallout is concerned, they don't have any real function).


So, please, if anyone's got the time and ability - at least remodel someone else's mesh to make it so.

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I believe he wants someone to do that for him! I can look into doing this for you.


EDIT: Done! It doesn't look so great without a sight on it though.


Get it here






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Give a man a fish he can feed his family for a day, teach a man how to fish and they can be fed for a lifetime.

Touche, my good man, touche. Well its done now.

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I'm pretty sure the part your talking about can just be removed via Nifskope.


Ie opening the nif file in Nifskope, clicking the part then right clicking and going to "remove".


Oh, I was not aware of that. The more you know!


(sorry it took so long to reply)


Either way, great thanks to you Holty07, you saved me some time.

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