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Fire storm bug


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I installed a lot of mods and now my character doesn't perform Fire Storm spell. I just do the charge anim (from immersive animations) and when I release the button I end up hurting myself. Not even a spark is generated on the release.


But it performs normally when I use the scroll


Please help me troubleshoot this.


Some mods I installed recently:


Apocalypse Spells


Smart Cast


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This means someone edited Fire Storm and forgot that modifying an area spell will set its area to 0 (making it hit yourself) unless you open and close it again.


This someone isn't me.


Yeah. Cause I can't play Skyrim without Apocalypse. You know this! :P


And you can set areas to 0? o.o I think I may have just fixed my issue with something else then! Thank yew!

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  • 3 years later...

I installed a lot of mods and now my character doesn't perform Fire Storm spell. I just do the charge anim (from immersive animations) and when I release the button I end up hurting myself. Not even a spark is generated on the release.



In case some one is looking for the answer, disable the AFT plugin NoFriendlySpellDamage.

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