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A multi-raced Anthropomorphic Race mod


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I've seen some good renditions of "well-known" anthropomorphic characters (Like Renamon for one), but I long for just a general Anthro Animal race mod.


I admit, it would take quite a bit of building and scripting and such to get everything right (Like fur textures rather than skin, a muzzle instead of a flat human face, etc.), but in my opinion it would be worth it, as I'm sure there are more furries wanting this kind of race mod.


And it could be made lore-friendly in some aspects, as since raiders are so depraved they'd probably "Do" anyone or anything if you get my drift, and scientifically speaking a significant error in Meiosis due to either the animal and/or human's reproductive system, the applicable animals captured and hoarded by the earliest living examples of Raiders would give rise to anthromorphs born of the "Unholy" (Note the quotes) union of the flesh of man and beast.


This could include foxes, wolves, dogs, big cats, horses, etc. though I'd prefer the fox be included, if you haven't read my name yet, do so, it'll tell you why XD


Anyway, just hoping some able modder can do this, if not for just me, for all the silent furries playing Fallout 3 =3

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*puts away flamethrower*

The scripting is not the hard part, it's the part of creating the models and making them fit to the "character skeleton" of Fallout 3

Also, getting someone to put all the "Furry" (yes, because not all of the creatures there have fur) into one mod might make it easier to find what you like.

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*puts away flamethrower*

The scripting is not the hard part, it's the part of creating the models and making them fit to the "character skeleton" of Fallout 3

firstly, let me say thanks for not opening a can of whoop-arse on me for my request.


Second, I admit that the models and texturing would be the hardest bit other than making it fit the overall "Skeleton" of the player-character. Unduly so? No, not at all for someone experienced enough, which rules me out as a possible author straight away. I only wish someone talented like AlienSlof would do such a mod...


Also, getting someone to put all the "Furry" (yes, because not all of the creatures there have fur) into one mod might make it easier to find what you like.

I'm kinda having some trouble understanding this sentence. Are you saying that putting every furry animal-based character in there, or are you saying that for convenience of all of the furry players of Fallout 3 that all possible species should be included, not just the few I mentioned? Or am I missing it entirely?


I apologize, I'm not the best at understanding certain things unless they're explained more thoroughly, so I'm sorry if I'm missing the obvious here.


Thanks for replying by the way.

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