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Where Do You fall under the new political spectrum?


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Afterall, things were very different 230 years ago, and as well as the US constitution has served and will continue to do so, anything can be improved-even something as venerable as it.


Maybe it's just me, but I honestly wouldn't trust ANY politicians to do something like a complete revision of the constitution. Especially if it was something as regular as every 50 years. It would simply be too easy to skew things towards one political agenda or another, or to end up being the sort of vehicle that corporations have been waiting for to claim power outright.

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I came out as an MBA Middle, and do have a strong live-and-let-live attitude. For me, Individual civil liberties are everything, and the right to life the most important of those, for without life, the other civil liberties are moot. You take someone's life without their consent (i.e. requested assisted suicide), you have just taken their civil liberties away. Social safety net programs are indeed needed, but few governments have ever learned how to manage them well, nor learned how to make them self sustaining, so that now, at least here in the US, we are quickly running out of the monetary resources to keep them going, since the rich are moving their own resources (which we could use) out of the country to protect them from being taxed, and we are looking at a far worse economic collapse in the future than we had in 2008. And as to today's politicians revamping the US Constitution, I too shutter to think how they might mangle it up in their attempt to gain more individual power at the expense of our individual civil liberties.

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Esquire? Now that is an intellectual harbinger of research. Esquire is like saying Playboy is great for the articles! lol


Every day a new scandal emerges from the current WH Administration, from the NSA to the IRS and the rest of the alphabet. Ive not seen so many scandals in my life from this WH. Everyone is on CYA mode or evasion mode.


The top lie of the year has been ... you can keep your insurance, period. I feel for the youth of the USA having this all on their backs with Obamacare and its total fiasco. All the FEDS had to do is one thing, relate Obamacare to how healthcare has been working for the many years in the military of this country, Oh, but that wasn't done and wont, it is a fiasco within itself and has been for years. Veterans and active military have sacrificed everything, but what have they gotten in return? Socialized medicine. Ive been aware of this since the Viet Nam era, so Im no kid at 56. I grew up in a military base town and have seen this for years.


Polls are sometimes baited politically or slanted. I would seek out something better than Esquire as a reliable source of polling. There are organizations much more reliable than Esquire. You have to do your own research on the research and get to primary information. I know that is a hard thing to do, but it takes a lot of effort.


Peace out to all of you.

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"Don't judge me because I advocate panties in video games."


THIS is the funniest quote Ive seen in a long time on Nexus and profiles! LOL


Seems today, in real life it would be politically correct to go commando EVERYWHERE! ROFL

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1st off let me say, I respect your opinion. Esquire has existed since 1932. The magazine has won a National Magazine Award for digital media in 2011. Esquire has been a very reputable and informative sources for news, politics, and entertainment as well as men's fashion. Noting this, stating something like "Esquire is like saying Playboy is great for the articles!" is very ironic when it's the actual journalism you seem to mock that actually keeps magazines such as Playboy and Esquire alive to this day, living in the age of the internet...


Derailing the topic talking about lies in politics focusing on one broken promise and WH scandals... Maybe you should reflect on other lies and broken promises from other presidencies from the past...Bush Senior, "Read my lips, No new taxes!". We can reflect on Bush Jr. too... "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended, Mission Accomplished! In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed!"... The point I am getting at is no president in our modern history has ever completely been void of the truth, promises, or even scandals ...


As for the Affordable Heath care Act. Seems Veterans and active military personal will be needing Obama Care despite how ineffective the roll out has been so far... Considering the amount of conservatives who push to defund any and all government spending even pointing to the most recent Ryan and Murray budget deal where as House Republicans voted for slashing Veteran benefits. $6 billion long-term cuts to soldiers' pensions to be exact. On the record Democratic Sen. Patty Murray declined to explain the cuts to the press, telling to instead ask Republican Rep. Paul Ryan for an explanation... hmm... Makes one wonder which party pushed for these cuts to our veterans in this budget to begin with...


Yes, polls are sometimes baited politically or slanted for some purpose or another... But Esquire hardly falls into this category or has any reason to do so... Which in my opinion probably makes it more reliable and accurate polling then you might actually think considering how fast our global society is changing with technology and social networking....


Despite the latter... Please feel free to point out organizations that have done this type of thing much more reliable than Esquire has done in this very informative modern polling research, if any others even exist within the last year...

Edited by colourwheel
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