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KnightForlorn - BANNED

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KnightForlorn banned


Re-upload of previously removed inflammatory political content.

As of 28th September we've imposed a blanket ban on mods relating to sociopolitical issues in the United States of America. This ban applies to all mods uploaded after 28th September 2020. After review we have decided to extend the ban on such mods indefinitely.

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  • 10 months later...

Unban "appeals":



you know full well that all you do is defend those folks at the detriment of everyone else. Did I insult? no but that person did. You banned folks for putting up an america flag but you dont do s#*! about folks putting up pride flags and trans flags. that is 1 way politics and you guys should be ashamed. you claim to be neutral and you made us all read a stupid document where you pretend to say that you are not political and yet here we are withy this nonsense. You and your 1 way politics. Shameful.



You can ban me all you like. It means nothing in the world of VPN and fake

So instead of being a bastard and only being political when it suits you,
why dont you guys actually enforce neutrality??? Why do we have to put up
with gay pride and trans pride flags when we cant have a union jack or a
trump flag? You call us bigots and yet you are the very bigots. Make it
fair for everyone! Enough is enough!



How many years have I been with you guys? 10 years? How many mods have I got on Nexus? 43 I think? You guys are not neutral, I should know. You guys serve one side and put down the other. I am the one who gets reported on yet you never acknowledge what gets said to me or to others.

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