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Skyrim crashes after lvl 12-15 non stop.


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I have used SkyRe , Reqiuem, and a few other mods to help improve gameplay. No matter what overhaul I use i start getting CTD after lvl 12-15 every 15-30 min. Happens a lot when im outside. I tried cutting down some of my heavly scripted mods like Frostfall, Hunterborn, CoT extra. Still after lvl 12ish or 300 + saves i crash constantley. Any advice would be great.


I have a Lenovo 510

Nvidia 750m 2g

intel i7 2.4ghz

8 gb Ram

1 TB harddrive

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I'm not using SkyRe and Requiem together lol! Not that noobish at modding. Yeah I think it has to be VRAM overload. Just curious why it gets worse in the later levels. I use boss and a batched patch. I even read most mods and fix my load order to there said postions. I don't use to many texture mods just SiMM and Official texture pack. I do use unreal ENB which i was thinking could maybe be the reason im Crippling my hardware. Well thank you for your reponse. Think i lower some specs in the display option menu like distances etc... and see if that helps.

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