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Stargate in Skyrim


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Hey Folks,


I am a fan of the Stagate Series SG-1 and Atlantis (not Stargate Universe, thats total crap!).


It would be great to have an Stargate in Skyrim.

The Goa'uld weapons and armours would fit really nice in the Skyrim universe.

Like the Ma'Tokk Staff (the commun Staffweapon) and the Zat (little snake like sidearm).

The Jaffa armours look also really nice.


Would also be great for dungeon mods.

Just dial the adress and there u are.

Modders dont need 2 worrie about were to place the dungeon and it can look like they want, because.... its an other Planet.




(Sorry for my English, its not my native language.)






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