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Request to See Only One Hand at a Time


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So this is kind of a strange request but there have oft been times when I am only using a sword or a single weapon or spell and I don't want to see the other hand. I think it is rather immersion-breaking to be forced to use both while you get to only see one hand when using a torch for example. That being said you could use the torch holding animation for this mod perhaps though I have no idea how it could work. Basically I want to be able to "equip" one hand at a time for lack of a better term while using a weapon, spell, or simply my fists. It would be epic to have that choice available as there have been random times when I only want to equip one hand or whatever you wanna call it. I think it would be great for immersion and realism and hope something like this can turn into a reality. Until then, fingers crossed and as always, many thanks in advance!! :)

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