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request for help on a new project never been done before (DUAL WIELD)


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Yes this is not a fake mod request, this was inspired when i saw three separate mods (454 Casull 1_04 by Moraelin, Hellsing Jackal by lautasantenni, and a skyrim mod: One Handed Crossbows by DOVAK11N (this is what it actually looks like to dual wield 2 crossbows in each hand)


So for all you modder's out there i would Greatly appreciate for you to impart on your extensive knowledge to me (FYI anyone who helps me will get credit for making the first ever working dual wield mod for Fallout: New Vegas).


The object of this goal is find out how Bethesda made the dual wield functionality work and implement it into fallout: new vegas. That means we would have to find out what scriping language, programming language, as well as the engine each game used to make the VANILLA GAME of both Skyrim & Fallout: New Vegas.


We Would have to see if the engine that Obsidian and Bethesda used for both games (since Bethesda made Skyrim (with their custom language and engine) & Obisidian who made Fallout: New Vegas and used the Havoc engine.


We would also have to create custome animation's for this mod.


The Partner Thread is @ here

Edited by Soulus13
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Someone already did do dual wielding for Fallout New Vegas two years ago actually:



He's even here on the Nexus:



But the main problem really is animations as the creator of that mod stated:



A experiment only. I just don't want to mod these SMGs.. too many animations need to be re-made....


So yeah, start learning how to do animations for FNV if you really want to do dual-wielding.

Edited by dangman4ever
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Of course i would want to do this. Also thinking of how dual wiled guns in MW3 worked Less Accuracy but Higher Damage kinda thing so no one could use two rifles. probably dual melee (nothing absurd like dual bumper swords), dual pistol, dual smg, and dual shot guns like in MW2 (Model 1887).


I will never release cheat/god weapons that will have my duel wield functionality like 2 fat mans or 2 red glares the reason being is because it is not feasible. A BIG MAYBE: create a way for the weapons to rest when their holstered, drop holsters for pistols, slings for smgs, sheaths for melee weapons that need them, and maybe slings for the shotguns.

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