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now here is my idea for a quest Your finally lord of madness and you can rule all in the isles WAIT!!! sorry to burst your bubble but the other deadric lords aren't happy about it so a month after you become the mad god a portal opens in your throne room and out comes a Dremora with summons from the council of lords (the council that concists of the 17 daedric lords) the Dremora takes you through the portal and to the council chamber where all the lords from azura to vaermina (and Mehrunes Dagon depending on weather you finished the main quest before this) now the reason they have summoned you is that well they don't want a mortal to be the mad god so they argue over weather that's what there brother sheogorath would have wanted so they come to this conclusion you must become a true daedric lord but only one person has the right to give you the power and that is our good friend Jyggalag so they all open a portal in the isles to Jygglags realm now when you meet Jygglag he is more than happy to help you you freed him from his prison of madness but he has one tinsy winsy problem he cant after your fight with him you scattered his "essence" through out the planes it took all his power just to bring them with in reach and as result he made his new realm THE KINGDOM OF STILLNESS these things happen what can he say so you must do a series of quests to find Jygglags pieces simple right WRONG!!!! you have one person standing in your way a good friend of sheogorath who hates you give you 2 guesses no not Haskill no not Mehrunes Dagon its old sheos favorite bro Sanguine deadric lord of parties he is mad at you for saving the isles and freeing his least favorite bro Jyggalag now he wants to kill you and imprison Jyggalag once more ah its good to be a god :thumbsup:
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I approve of this, but please, punctuation?

*inner grammar nazi calmed*

I've been requesting a mod like this for a while, but no one seems to find it any good.

I was thinking have it be like a guild though, where you re-piece him together, and eventually, you can summon obelisks that call forth Knights of Order.

Either way, good luck with this.

*Saunters off to another thread*

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Whoa! Nice sketches.


I wish I had someone like you on my team, it'd make modelling so much easier for me.


Anyway, back on topic, I've got one nit to pick. Seeing as Jygalag's the daedric prince of order. And not the good kind of order either - wouldn't it make more sense if all of his realm looked like what the spaces around active obelisks of order looked like? Bleak, lifeless, that kinda stuff.


Or am I misunderstanding that last sketch?

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well i didnt scetch them i just asked an artist to scetch me a few ideas and to answer your second ? i made it look like this beacuse if i made everything look like those obelisks it would look boring you need to make the landscape diverse and interesting and i only think of the obelisks as not pieces of his realm but focusing points for his power like generators
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That's not the image of Order given in vanilla Shivering Isles. With creativity the "boring" can look interesting, too. Especially with Oblivion's awe-inspiring visual effects I believe that would be possible...


I like this idea in general. I've started studying the Iliad (a little bit) lately and the gods in Greek mythology not only have conflicts amongst themselves, but also they seem to overwhelm themselves in the petty quarrels of mortals. Anyway, to the point of what I'm saying, I like the idea of dealing with the affairs of gods, and I'd like it even more if when you become a god and all powerful the conflicts still continue, and you aren't just left with your rewards and a phony empire that just never has problems and repeats the same things day in and day out. Also I think the idea of being God of Order or w/e is interesting, but I think you should still have a choice where you stand.

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well i see what your saying i love the idea of becoming a true deadric lord not just a phony one but we could make diffrent versions of this mod where you can have alternate endings as in you become jyggalag or anything else where your new deadric lord powers are god like or balanced this mod concept has alot of potential
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