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Full auto weapons need a makeover.


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I have A3-21's Ion rifle from a quest reward. it does 91 dmg, in 1 shot. I have a energy minigun that uses the same ammo. Why does it take about 8-15 rounds of ammo with the minigun (or more) to match the 1 shot from the ion rifle, anyone else think this is kinda stupid? I mean sure they have a high rate of fire, but whats the point when each indivual shot does crap for dmg (this is especally true for mguns) The Damage listed on weapons seems to be if you use it in vats for the automatic weapons. Auto weapons in vats rock, but fairly useless otherwise unless you got so much ammo you like to waste it. 3-4 MF cells=Dead death claw if I head shot it with the Ion rifle, with a minigun? with higher skill, eats up about 70-90 rounds for same effect.
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Miniguns etc don't really shine until you have a large number of concentrated enemies that you can hose down with a serious spray of lead without reloading constantly.


You generally won't see too many situations in the unmodded game where you need that kind of firepower, but with mart's mutant mod...oh baby it's time to lock and load!

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