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Looking for BEST MODS for Series. Leave Suggestions Please!


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Hello all, it is my hope this might become a popular topic. I already have a bunch of mods that I enjoy using in my play throughs and now I am asking fellow Nexus users to share their favorite mods, it can be for LE, SE or AE. Texture mods, animation mods, anything you always want in a setup for Skyrim.

I am looking for mods from ALL categories and types. Would anyone know the best mod that covers cities in trees without being too crazy? Something that goes with already popular mods with few to no major issues.

I also use for a couple of my favorite mods Immersive Fallen Trees (and it's associated patches), and any and all mods by wSkeever.

Anyone have suggestions for the trees in city mods (something that works with DynDOLOD)?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this helps you, but browsing through the Collections here on Nexus may help you discover the types of mods you're looking for. Each Collection tends to focus on its own goal (game overhauls, graphic/lighting overhauls, ai overhauls, character overhauls, etc), and they each (for example, Next Gen Skyrim) have a "Mods" tab that you may click to view each of their original mods. Right now, I'm using a collection, but a few times a week, I browse the Collection to curate my personal list, and I hope to soon become knowledgeable enough to deploy my own list without relying on Collections.


I hope this helps, and I'm sure the links may seem redundant, but I'm in the same boat as you, and I have yet to receive any answers, but the strategy I'm employing at the moment at least yielded an enjoyable and playable version for me, now I'm just aiming for perfection.


Good luck, and happy gaming!

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