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Bullying. The destruction of a human being.


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One of the biggest problems I think we have here is, school funding is tied to attendance. The more students you have, the more money you get. Also, the better your students are doing, the more funding you get. (at least, that's how it is supposed to work.....) Trouble with that is, it doesn't matter if a student is failing every class, skips more often than not, causes disruptions that make it difficult for others to learn... etc. The school has every motivation to keep the student there, so they keep their funding, and no real motivation to simply send those that don't want to learn on their way. One would think, that if you removed the disruptions from the classroom, GPA for ALL students that remanined would increase, and offset the loss of funding for the student that didn't want to be a student in any event. I don't think the school admins have figgered that one out yet.


What I find really astounding though, is most of the school admins, that are onsite, were once teachers themselves, yet, when they get into a position of power, instead of knowing what the problems are, and addressing them, they BECOME the problem. What am I missing?

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