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I'm trying to install FCOM and all its requirements. The problem I'm having is that MMM needs to be upgraded to 3.7 and the only full version I've been able to find is 3.0 ... so do I really have to search and find all those upgrades from 3.0 to 3.7 and install them in order? cause that seems like a bit of a hassle, and I can't find half of them anywhere.
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Here is the link that I use personally. I will tell you that I tend to break the rules when it comes to fcom and try to use the things that I want too. I can usually get the game to play without CTD's BUT I also have problems with it. For example, the first time I installed, I had a lot of question marks running around in my game. The second time I did it, which is now, I have constant lock ups in game and have to restart my game to get it to work again. So, in general, everyone will tell you that you have to follow the FCOM rules STRICTLY. That's the consensus anyway. Anyway, here's the link:




Right now I'm trying to figure out what's causing my lock-ups. Initially I thought it had to do with the fact that I used the light version of OOO. But, I changed that and it's still locking up. So, perhaps you CAN use the light version of OOO if you want...

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