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I stumble in, my skin covered in grime, hair nearly black with dirt and grease, my clothes hang loose and torn on my frail body, half-dead from starvation and dehydration. As I pass over the vault threshhold I collapse breathing raspily and growing weaker by the second. "H-h-heeelp meee" I call out faintly...
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I grab some medical supplies and a clean vault jumpsuit. Giving them to Zephyr, I say to Anton, "Well, getting more vault members.... That may be difficult. Protection though... We could establish a guard, activate surveilance throughout the vault, put all weapons into two central locations, and seal all entrances and exits other than the main one."
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i agree. Remember the enclave base we were talking about. they have alot of this stuff. we just need to carry it to the vault. Ok give me comlete list of stuff i should bring
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I wake up in a medical bay, I arise from the bed and ignore the clean jumpsuit and instead sift through a footlocker and find an old pre-war suit and hat. I walk into the vault proper, after finding anton I ask, "Do you perhaps know what happened to the magnum I was carrying with me? Scoped, .44 cal with incindiary bullets?"
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dont worry i have it in my room in safe. i will give it to you later. You know what if you are a enclave undercover agent. Well tell me about yourself
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"Ah very perseptive, but in fact I am not enclave, I used to be. Not anymore, not after what they did to me...If the people here in the vault need help defending against the enclave I know all their battle plans and tactics and their weaknesses."
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I walk in and hand Anton a list. It reads:


Supplies Needed





Water Purifier chip

Abraxo Detergent (three boxes-lavatory cleaning)




Mr. Handy (If you can find one, I have files for programming it on my terminal. He can do all the janitorial work.)


"We're ok on food for now, but I'm worried about the water purifier chip. It seems to be faltering. Good to see you consious Zephyr. I see you went for the suit and hat instead of the vault wear. No worries. I myself prefer this trench coat I'm wearing to vault wear. If we can secure a Mr. Handy, I can set it up to tailor that suit for you, if you wish."

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i walk over to zephyr "hello mate, people around here call me subject. nice to meet you " as i get a ice-cold nuka cola out of the fridge."anyway flogging what can i do to help around here" i say to the overseer.......
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