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"ok no drinks for me, well i guess its for the better, good luck anyway" i say to anton. i then decide to start experimenting with some gadgets."hmmm, i could use this stuff to repair some other things around the vault" i said to myself.... But instead i decide to go asleep for a while....
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"I think we're in good shape for now. No help really needed at the moment. Oh!" I say, surprised to find subject asleep already. "That was fast" I think to myself. I write a note to subject: "Try getting hooked on these. It's a Nuka Cola Quantum. I found a stash in my office. Appears that one of the old overseers quite liked 'em. Anyways, it's the closest thing we have to whiskey that won't get you drunk." I leave a few bottles of Quantum with the note next to his bed.
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1 hour later i come back with all stuff from the list. after installing it i hear an alarm i look up the monitor and see bunch of enclaves. i ask what do you want. they say GIVE US OVER MR HANDY. WITHOUT IT MASTER MAKES US CLEAN THE BASE. I say no WAY
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COUPLE OF HOURS LATER: i read the note that flogging left me i think to myself *hmmm, nuka cola quantum. nether actually tried this, but seems i like the normal kind i guess i should have a bit* i then drink some equantum " oh god this is nice" I then gulp the rest of quantum down "ahhhh, that was very nice. better than drinking"


I then Go and find flogging and say " thanks for leaving us some quantum, this stuff is really nice" after that i decide to go eat some mirelurk and instamash for my breakfast......

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I then hear anton and decide to see what is wrong so i ask "whats wrong anton, the enclave want there Mr.Handy back. well there not getting it without a fight" i prepare my assault rifle "time to test out this baby".


I then alert the rest of the vault about the enclave as i rush to the entrance.....

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I set Mr. Handy to upload his programs and run setup in my (locked) room. I give him instructions to transfer all my quantum to subject's room when he is ready, then lock himself in my room until the enclave are gone.


I then rush to Anton's side, check my .44, and ask, "How long do we have to make final preparations before they attack?"

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" only about 5 minutes, but i am not falling to these retards. not a f***ing chance" as i load my assault rifle. " so will it be me you and anton to protect the vault" as i crouch behind a desk "get ready lads".....
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