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hearing the announcement I immediately prepare myself for the worst... With myself fully loaded I head over to the security room to find out why anton is yelling for help.
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enclave trys to open the door i say. They cant open it but if we can kill them we will get power armors. lets open them a door
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i open the door and run back behind the desk "lets dance bitches" as i fire my first set of bullets at 4 enclave soldiers and see only 2 fell to the floor. "which one of you are next " as i reload...
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"I like to keep this one for close encounters..." I say as I pull out a sawed-off shotgun. I fire it and my .44 until they are both out of ammo. Seeing 4 soldiers fall to my .44 and 1 to the sawed-off, I dive behind a filing cabinet, holster both instead of reloading, and unsheath my sword. A switchblade drops into my left hand from my sleeve.
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i pull out my magnum instead of reloading seeing 1 drop dead and then shout "watch out, throwing grenade" as i throw a grenade. i cripple three mens legs. I then see get sot in the arm "arghhh me arm" as i stay down. i then got my magnum out again and started to fire...
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then i ran out with my laser. enclave soldier hits me but nothing happens so i kill everybody who still stands... i say ok guys lets take their guns
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i then get up holding my arm "hmmm, i could put a 66 sign on these armours to represent the vault " i say as i look at the dead man. " thanks flogging, that should help. but anyway whoes going to clean up the mess" i say as i pick up a plasma rifle.


"hmmm, im not used to energy or plasma weapons maybe i could give this baby ago" i say to myself

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