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after you set up the tent you got surrounded by enclave and there is nowhere to run but flogging molly had time to sent S O S.

i quickly run up to the tent and kill enclave comander with 44 mm laser gun.

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i take out fatman and say: this thing could kill you faster then you say hug a deathclaw. if i were you i would have run. They ran away
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waking up from the commotion I am stunned to see dead enclave bodies around our tent and molly standing beside it with a dead body in his hands. Speechless I try and fail to ask what just happened around us.
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they attacked us. and we killed them...


guys i have an idea: what if we could find a working car put some guns and armor and have battle vehicle

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uh...uh...uh, shakes head, um yeah a car would be great, is we could find one in relatively good condition I pretty sure I could get it working. or a bus would be even better, make it like that bus in that old movie dawn of the dead.
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alright, lets go subject we need to find food, ammo, some scrap metal, tools, and a flamer I can tweak into a welder.
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