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as i stumble back into the vault i decide to go straight to the kitchen and have some squirrel stew, and a nice drink of quantum. I then go into my room and start to have a look at my magnum to see how it was doing, it was a bit rusty so i decide to give it a clean, as the with my other weapons
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"when you lot go rob an enclave base ill be here to make sure no one gets in" i say to the rest. I then decide to have a quantum and head upstairs to my room. i decide to work on my terminal for a bit, working on how to get rid of radiated food. i think to myself * i better go get some food for the experiment* so i then go to the fridge and get some noodles, squirrel on a stick and some cram. I then go into my room, locking the door behind me. i then start working very hard, starting to figure it out......
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Minutes later, I, comrade Vladimir Illjich Fenix the third, spot the lights of the vault from the wastes. "I'm running out of my supplies"- I think. "1 day food supply, an AKM assault rifle, a TT-33 sidearm with a few clips, and 3 stimpacks- I bet the vault is full of Mirelurks. But I might find something of value". And I slowly get closer and closer to the cave, when I see the killed Enclave guys, being swarmed by flies, and such. "Oh poo! Am I sure, I want to enter?", But I've got nothing to lose...After what I did in Europe...
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