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OK guys i think we can use enclaves technology verses them. Heres my plan: we sneak in. Kill the guards put some turrets and when they are all killed we take the stuff and go back to the Vault
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Off: WEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I'm back! My exams got quite good, so I got back here.



I drag my wounded body towards the vault door. Megaton was assaulted by a huge horde of raiders. I got quite a loot, however:

Loads of ammo, I robbed moriarty's so I got plenty of drinks, brought some food and bought a food sanitizer too. Oh and a ghilie suit too, so I look soo cool now :biggrin:

"I need a medic!" - I shout

"I got wounded by a goddam raider's knife!" - I say as I drink some vodka to smallen the pain

BTW: what happened here comrades? and who the hell is this guy? - I point at thor

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I Walk into a tunnel looking for shelter and see a vault door being superised i run up to it and walk inside. I holster my Rock-it lancher and yell "ANYONE IN HERE?" and i walk deeper into the vault


NOTE:im wearing enclave armor



OFF TOPIC: did i set this up right? i dont play rps alot so idk if i did :wallbash:

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Welcome. Sorry wait a sec. i need to help fenix. I carry him to med. bay. I say: Nothing too bad. medical robot will take care of you.


Hello there how should we call you?



yuep its setted up right i recomend reading this tips: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=131

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over the load speaker "would every one come to Zeta sectors mess hall as soon as possible", "that is all"
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