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Why would there be problems with copyrights? I think that would only happen if you ripped the textures and models directly from the game, put them into Fallout, claimed it was your own work, and then charged for it.

If you made it all from scratch and gave credit where credit was due, then I think you'd be fine. You think the people who made the nanosuit mods, the lich king mods, or the W40K mods for Oblvion or Fallout ever got into any kind of trouble? Likely not.


But seriously, this idea is too cool for someone with decent skill with modeling and texturing to not do for Fallout. They would look facking awesome in game. Fits the setting perfectly.

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I've tried it with the hockey masks... They're easy to texture, but look like crap when they're taken ingame... Especially on the female characters; the thing is huge... The straps stick out, and the holes are too big...


If anyone wanted to make a mesh for it I could texture it... It'd be pretty sweet to have ingame :thumbsup:

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regarding that copyright issue... actually those W40k or BF2142* mods are breaking it, recreating somebodies creation is the same as plain taking it and using it, if one would go to the extreme even mods that add a berretta or an AK are copyright breaks


but taking these masks as an inspiration to create ones own is legit


*afaik skree has gotten permission to use these from the original creator but i could be wrong

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