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Auto Drop Shield


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Hello everyone!


Firstly, pardon me if my English is not perfect. It's not my native language.


A few weeks ago, I started looking for mods that make the use of the shield a bit more role playing. The thing that most bothers me is how the shield disappear when unequipped. So I tried a few of the "shield on back" mods. But none work properly for me so...


I was thinking that maybe there would be a mod that at least drop the shield when bow, crossbow or something else is equipped in the left hand. For all I know, no such mod exist.


So that's what I'm requesting. Something like "Drop Lit Torches" mod, that automatically drops the torch, but with shields. For me that would me awesome for role playing.


So that's it, if some of you know a way to do it with creation kit (i have no idea of scripting), or know a mod that i didn't found, or have the time to make it, I would really appreciate it.


Thanks and cheers!

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This might work for a start...


This script would go on a player alias on a constant running quest. Would require SKSE.



Scriptname SomeScriptName Extends ReferenceAlias
Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
  Armor ArmorObject = akBaseObject as Armor
  If ArmorObject.IsShield()

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