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Is it safe to delete .rars after OMOD creation?


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The title says all, we're all familiar with this process:


1. Download mod archive

2. Dump into OBMM's "mods" folder

3. Fire up OBMM, [Create] ----> [Add Archive] -----> [Create OMOD]


I'd like to know if it is safe to delete your original .rar archives after the whole process is complete, would halve my memory usage if so. Do OBMM created OMODs just trace back to the source archive or does it actually duplicate and then repackage the archive into OMOD format? Thanks.

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Once you get a mod into the game, the compressed file you downloaded is no longer needed. However, It is a good way to keep them for backup. I download all Oblivion into a separate folder. The install from that folder and leave the compressed file there. (7z, .rar. .zip) If you don't have the space, you could copy the compressed files off onto a data cd for saving if you want to keep them.
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Yup, I do that too. Learned the hard way though, a few months back I had to reinstall Morrowind after some modding gone horribly wrong with no backups. Kept every TES mod on a portable hardrive together with full backups of original install data from then on.
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It completely re-packages it. Just be careful while doing that, as some of the mods aren't in an OMOD-ready format, which means you need to tamper with them a bit, before creating an OMOD.

What he said :thumbsup:


Always make sure that the OMOD you create actually works before you destroy the original archive.


But having a single backup process does not work for all mods. Some a painfully easy to create OMODs and other have tons of "optional" content that require you to pick one over the other. Although you could arrange the mod files and create a complex script to present all the options during the OMOD installation, you are not going to do this for every one you come across. Sometimes it is best to just keep the original and your OMOD that you created.


I typically download the archive, turn it into an OMOD and then re-convert the OMOD into an OMOD-Ready archive in .7z format. I then place this OMOD-Ready file in my permanent collection and allow the OMOD to live in the obmm/mods folder if it is a mod I keep active. If not, I delete the OMOD or move it into a sub-folder out of the way. I can always quickly re-create the OMOD with the OMOD-Ready archive in my permanent collection.


Some mods I never convert to OMOD but then again, I never use them either. If I do not have an OMOD version of the mod, I do not have it installed. ;)



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