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Noobie Question.


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So I downloaded Midas Magic, Ren's BP and Elaborate Eyes today.


Midas works fine, it's all good there.


However, the other two are proving troublesome. I've tried the methods listed in the readme files of both mods and I still can't view any eye meshes at all and no new hairstyles are coming up. These are the only three mods I'm using. What should I do?


EDIT: I've tried taking out the non-shared ESP filestagged as either elaborate eyes or ren's BP, and just running the shared files, however I still have no eyes or new hair options.





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I've attempted to use this to no avail, it seems elaborate eyes itself is the file causing the problem, despite following the instructions it still removes all eye meshes from the game when active. What an absolute jip. Thanks anyway guys.
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