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Altering a sword mesh


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Hello! I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to alter a sword mesh so that it would go on a characters back and function as Claymores do in the vanilla game? If someone could tell me how to enlongate the handles aswell and I would be much obligiged. I have NIFskope ad Blender availiable to me to acomplish this. I would like to be able to do this as historically, Longswords we're wielded two handed and I would like to be able to replicate this with my characters. All feedback is very, very welcome :)
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To change a longsword into a claymore, the very least you have to change the following:


1. Use NifSkope and edit the NIF by changing the value of "SideWeapon" for NiStringExtraData to "BackWeapon"

2. In the Construction Set, make sure the weapon is also classified as a Claymore and not a Longsword.


If the longsword handle position is off, you could modify the XYZ coordinates of the mesh but that is a bit painful and requires trial and error.


Since you have Blender (and hopefully a bit of competence in it), you can import your sword AND an actual claymore as a reference which will get deleted later. Then make the modifications to your sword that you'd like done such as extending the blade, handle and crossguards to match the size of a two-handed weapon and make sure it is aligned in position with the reference claymore you imported. Then delete the reference claymore and export as a weapon and try it out.


Disclaimer: My memory has failed me before but this should get you most of the way there. ;)



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