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ITJunky's PersonalTerminal mod that only accesses terminals you re


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I like ITJunky's personal terminal mod, but feel it would take away from the exploration aspect by giving you access to terminals around the world (even those you haven't activated). would anyone be interested in making a version of the personal terminal that allows you to access only the terminals that you have read in the world. I imagine that it would require a script that tracks any terminals you read, and then makes them available to your own central terminal that would function as a sort of archive. If anyone can pull off this feat, it will be greatly appreciated.
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That would be complicated. If I'm not mistaken we would need to add a script to each terminal, thats the easy part, but the hard part is that some terminals already have scripts on them we would have to overwrite those with our new script + the original ones which is always more difficult than you would think in my oppinion.


Its to complex for me I'm afraid, maybe you should just PM the guy who made it.

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He did mention it to me and you are correct it would be complicated, I have given it a lot thought and I think the best approach would be to create a quest making each terminal accessed complete a quest stage then set the Personal Terminal to only display the contents of a wasteland terminal if it's quest stage has been completed. Even if I knew exactly how to do it, it would require a lot of work and I'm just not that interested in doing it myself even though I like the idea.
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Theres also a matter of sub terminals, these are when you have an option, you click it and it takes you to a new menu, this is a normal terminal that just joined together, it would be even more difficult to go through them all to make sure you don't have an option that does nothing and another terminal that appears from nowhere.


This job is too big and I doubt anyone will do it, sorry.

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Thanks for the replies, everyone. It seems that the general consensus is that this mod is not worth all the work it would require. Fair enough. It's not really an essential need. I just thought it would be a nice feature to have since a lot of the files are very interesting to read and I would like to keep the files I've read. But shame on Bethesda for not having that capability built into the terminals or pipboy in the first place.
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