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Blocky vegetation and transparent ground (random + temporary)


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Title sais it all. I am using the newest version of ENB and a few texture mods and stuff but I really have no clue what could be causing this. Sometimes when I'm running along minding my own business bushes and stuff will be blocky, when I run closer or spend enough time around the blocked textures it cures itself. Also sometimes the ground goes totally transparent, this is temporary aswell though. Help.

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Sounds like a memory issue.


First test with FNVEdit for conflicts

Try lower res versions of some of the textures or recompress them with optimizer textures.


still an issue?

remove some of your mods, maybe re-installing them one by one after you track down the problem.

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How much ram you have doesn't matter; so long as you have 4gb of ram and at least 2gb of vram, you're good. The issue is memory management. Just assuming that because you bought more ram that your program will be able to use it isn't how things work. Most programs are hard coded to never use more then 2gb no matter how much you have and even so can crash from all sorts of memory management issues even if you have 64gb. Not saying FNV is this way, but it probably is. Using something like the 4gb+nvse loader helps some but doesn't address how well or poorly the game deals with the resources.


Good luck, it is tiresome but there is no shortcut. We all have to troubleshoot these issues on our own systems from time to time. The price of modding a unstable game engine.

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  • 1 month later...

i have 16gigs system ram and 4gigs vram. Hopefully texture optimzer fixes this issue anyway. Mod checking new vegas is a nightmare. This also happened even before i applied the mods. It might by an enb issue...*sigh who knows.

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