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Disable "Hints/Tutorials" on new characters?


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Does anyone know how to turn of hints in Skyrim SE?

Ive seen old Syrim LE posts about editing the skyrim.ini file but those dont seem to work anymore as the Skyrim.ini file no longer had an interface section




[Answer] Thanks to kryten397

1) Navigate to "C:\Users\{YOUR-PC-NAME}\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition"
2) Edit Skyrim.ini (May appear as "Skyrim" (Type "configuration settings")
3) Add the following lines of code


4) Save, launch, and forget about your new character trauma.

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Add the Interface section then add the tweak below it.

That... actually... works.... O.o

I would of never even bothered to try it.... I just assumed they changed code because its technically a different game and the entire section is gone..

Thank you

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