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[Workshop] Decrease Happiness


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I assume you are modifying Actor Value in which case you should add an "s" to the beginning. sWorkshopRatingHappiness.

If directly trying to subtract doesn't work, how about trying:


Actor player = Game.getPlayer()

Float i = player.GetValue(sWorkshopRatingHappiness)

Float x = 20.0


player.SetValue(sWorkshopRatingHappiness, (i - x))




Although, this *should* work:

Actor player = Game.getPlayer()

Float i = player.GetValue(sWorkshopRatingHappiness)


player.SetValue(sWorkshopRatingHappiness, (i -= 20))


Also, ConsoleUtil is a great F4SE plugin that lets you access the Console in various ways. If it still refuses to work, using this you can execute:


(EDIT: some typos)


ConsoleUtil.ExecuteCommand ("player.SetAV sWorkShopRatingHappiness " + (i - x))

or ("player.ModAV sWorkShopRatingHappiness -" + x)

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From my experience in general, AVs are troublesome with negatives, like you need Detrimental mgef and can't ADD negative modifier in OMODs. Maybe similar happens when workshop fetches a negative rating AV too and treats it as zero, even if tha's scripted processing? Just an assumption though.

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I'm using this on a workshop item. Sadly any script using actor values requires you to use an Actor. Hence a script can't directly alter the value on a workshop object.


It does show that the workshop happiness is going down, with a down arrow. But the value still stays 80 as before

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(6) The daily happiness change has a cap of 20% the desired change in value (WorkshopScript.happinessChangeMult). Example: it can take upto 17 WorkshopDailyUpdate cycle game days to slowly increase workshop happiness from base 50 to the capped 100 target.

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I haven't examinated the happiness calculation that well but "WorkshopBonusRatingHappiness = - 20" should work.



updateData.totalHappiness = updateData.totalHappiness + updateData.bonusHappiness

The happiness calculation starts from line 958, WorkshopScript, function DailyUpdateConsumeResources.


Did you try placing a lot of these "depressive" workshop objects? An interior workshop might be better for testing, especially if it has less resources.

Edited by LarannKiar
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